What we stand for


To help you tackle these challenges in an efficient manner, we’ve put together this article where we deep dive into the average response times across channels, and also look at effective ways to improve customer responsiveness.


The ultimate end users aren’t only the quality engineers that use our system, but also the patients who are recipients of medical devices developed through our quality system software.


Experienced leadership team, a global network of home-based employees, IoT experts, and a culture that can’t be beat.

About us

Need more details? Please check our full documentation for detailed information on how to use.


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“Our development over the past 25 years, has mirrored Vietnam’s transformation from a newly open market, to a lower middle-income country, that’s increasing its influence in Asia, and around the world. Since our early years Read more…

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Technology for the good Life

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No 14, Ha Dinh, Thanh Xuan, VietNam

Call us 

Steve Trinh +84 987.452.169  Mon – Fri, 8:00-22:00

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