Visions & Missions


The Department seeks to attain the highest standard in teaching, research and clinical service in medicine so as to become a centre of excellence regionally and internationally.


To maintain and enhance undergraduate education to produce medical graduates with the highest standards in clinical expertise and humanities comparable to the best medical schools in the world, with lifelong abilities to learn and to provide leadership.

To nurture and augment excellence in research in clinical medicine and pertinent basic sciences, focusing particularly on several areas of our strengths with emphasis on multidisciplinary and collaborative approachh.

To maintain and further develop clinical service by providing superior patient care, by always striving to remain a leading referral centre for patients, by promoting the development and implementation of innovative advances in clinical management, and by contributing to the improvement of primary health care in the community, including public health education.

To encourage and improve upon postgraduate and continuing medical education and training as well as to promote leadership in subspecialty training and development.

To develop a conducive, fair and supportive environment to attract and retain the best teachers, scholars and scientists.

To foster and consolidate academic links and collaboration with other academic institutions and professional bodies locally, nationally and internationally.